I share many basic beliefs with the conscientious, moral citizens of our world.

The Universal Moral Code

I believe in the Universal Moral Code which is a list of morals found throughout the world, compiled by Dr. Kent M. Keith.

Do no harm (the proscriptive version of the code):

  • Do not do to others what you would not like them to do to you.
  • Do not lie.
  • Do not steal.
  • Do not cheat.
  • Do not falsely accuse others.
  • Do not commit adultery.
  • Do not commit incest.
  • Do not physically or verbally abuse others.
  • Do not murder.
  • Do not destroy the natural environment upon which all life depends.

Do good (the prescriptive version of the code):

  • Do to others what you would like them to do to you.
  • Be honest and fair.
  • Be generous.
  • Be faithful to your family and friends.
  • Take care of your children when they are young.
  • Take care of your parents when they are old.
  • Take care of those who cannot take care of themselves.
  • Be kind to strangers.
  • Respect all life.
  • Protect the natural environment upon which all life depends.

The 6 Pillars of Self-Esteem

I believe in the 6 pillars of self-esteem:

  1. Living consciously — “When we live consciously we do not imagine that our feelings are an infallible guide to truth.”
  2. Self-acceptance — “Accepting, compassionate interest does not encourage undesired behavior, rather it reduces the likelihood of it recurring.”
  3. Self-responsibility — “There is no one coming to our rescue, individually or collectively; no one is going to save us.”
  4. Self-assertiveness — “unleashing our personality, intellectual abilities, talents, etc., whether other people, including family members and friends, like it or not”
  5. Living purposefully — “we have the right to establish goals for ourselves based on what we think and feel is right and good”
  6. Personal integrity — “It takes courage to act with integrity to the truth, particularly one’s inner truth that others may dislike, negatively judge, and even condemn.”

Ip Man’s Wing Chun Jo Fen

I believe in Ip Man’s Wing Chun Jo Fen:

  1. Remain disciplined — uphold yourself ethically as a martial artist
  2. Practice courtesy and righteousness — serve the community and honor your family
  3. Love Your classmates — enjoy working together as a group
  4. Control your desire — stay healthy
  5. Work hard and keep practicing — never let the skill leave your body
  6. Learn to develop spiritual tranquility — abstain from arguments and fights
  7. Always deal with world matters with a kind attitude that is calm and gentle.
  8. Help the weak and the very young — use your martial skill for the good of humanity

The 5 Pillars of Islam (modified)

I believe in the 5 pillars of Islam (adapted to my belief system):

  1. Believe in goodness
  2. Spend time in quiet contemplation
  3. Give to the poor and needy (those poor in spirit and body)
  4. It is good to discipline your desires
  5. Expand your horizons and respect your heritage

The Ten Commandments (modified)

I believe in the 10 commandments (adapted to my belief system):

  1. Nothing comes before goodness
  2. Do not worship that which is empty or vain
  3. Respect goodness and avoid profanity.
  4. Spend time in quiet contemplation. Rest from your labors.
  5. Honor your father and your mother.
  6. Do not murder.
  7. Do not commit adultery.
  8. Do not steal.
  9. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  10. Do not covet.

The Great Commandments (modified)

I believe in a modified version of the great commandments (adapted to my belief system):

You should love goodness and treat and love your neighbour as you would like to be treated and loved.

Main tenets of Zoroastrianism

I believe in the main tenets of Zoroastrianism, in slightly modified form:

  1. If you wish to be happy, make others happy.
  2. In proportion as we render others happy, are we entitled to similar bounty.
  3. Each person should be good and beneficent in conduct towards all around them.
  4. We should avoid injuring the interests of any man (or living being to the extent they share in personhood).
  5. Our speech should generally be sweet and beneficial.
  6. Goodness is Godliness, and we should be a ministering angel to all. We should radiate goodness throughout our life.
  7. Avoid unnecessary dissension (try to see the underlying unity in conflicting view points)
  8. Never force your own opinion on another.
  9. Consider the welfare of others before your own.

Basic Moral Principles of Hinduism

I believe in the basic moral principles of Hinduism, in slightly modified form:

  • I believe generally in karma (that which we do, good or bad, generally comes back to us in some form)
  • I believe in a light-weight form of dharma — we each have duties at various stages of life and in society, and we should perform our duties well.
  • I believe in the majority of the yamas and niyamas:
    • asteya (nonstealing)
    • satya (truthfulness)
    • arjhava (honesty)
    • daya (compassion)
    • ahimsa (nonviolence)
    • hri (showing modesty)
    • dana (giving to others)
    • isvarapujana (spending time in quiet contemplation)

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

I believe in cultivating the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:

  1. Be proactive
  2. Begin with the end in mind
  3. Put first things first
  4. Think win-win
  5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood
  6. Synergize
  7. Sharpen the saw

The Church of Reality

I believe in all 26 of the Sacred Principles of the Church of Reality (even though I think there are better ways to order and derive one’s belief system):

  1. The Principle of Positive Evolution
  2. The Principle of Existence and Survival
  3. The Principle of Exploration
  4. The Principle of Curiosity
  5. The Principle of Honesty and Integrity
  6. The Principle of Freedom
  7. The Principle of Peace
  8. The Principle of Courage
  9. The Principle of Patience and Persistence
  10. The Principle of Environmentalism
  11. The Principle of Compassion
  12. The Principle of Determination and Defiance
  13. The Principle of Communication
  14. The Principle of Justice
  15. The Principle of Inclusiveness
  16. The Principle of Respect
  17. The Principle of Scrutiny and Doubt
  18. The Principle of Humility
  19. The Principle of Reason
  20. The Principle of Wisdom
  21. The Principle of Personal Responsibility
  22. The Principle of Bullsh*t
  23. The principle of Activism and Maintenance
  24. The Principle of Personal Privacy
  25. The Principle of Historical Preservation
  26. The Principle of Humor and Fun