Irene Bates, in her 1993 Dialogue article on patriarchal blessings (Vol.26, No.3) cataloged the themes she observed in 744 patriarchal blessings. They are as follows:

Themes 1833-99 (N=560) 1900-79 (N=184)
1. Remain until Second Coming 57 4
2. See “last days” 51 2
3. Command elements 39 1
4. Perform miracles 30 0
5. Have gift of healing 60 9
6. Be one of “horns of Joseph” 29 1
7. Prophesy 18 2
8. Have visions 25 2
9. Not taste of death 6 0
10. Raise the dead 8 0
11. Avenge blood of prophets 12 0