In this facebook post, Dr. Julie Hanks suggested that these are things NOT to say to your believing family members after leaving the Church (even if you believe them to be true):

  1. You’re being lied to.
  2. I just don’t know how you still believe.
  3. You HAVE to read the CES letter.
  4. How can you still go to a Church given what’s said in the Church essays?
  5. How can you justify belonging to a corrupted organization?
  6. I used to think the way you do. Now I see things clearly.
  7. When are you going to start thinking for yourself?
  8. Do you know how much the General Authorities get paid?
  9. Did you hear about the recently leaked videos?
  10. I left because I didn’t want my kids to be brainwashed.
  11. I feel so sorry for you.
  12. How can you stay in such a sexist organization?
  13. What you’re saying is a logical fallacy.
  14. Jesus wouldn’t want anything to do with the Church today.
  15. If you knew what I knew about Joseph Smith…
  16. I can’t respect you if you believe in the Church.
  17. You’re complicit in every hurtful thing the Church does.
  18. Do you know where all of your tithing goes?
  19. Believing in God is like believing in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, etc.
  20. How can you keep your name on the rolls of an evil institution that hurts so many people?
  21. Think of how many people the Church could have helped instead of investing so much in real estate.
  22. If you really loved me, you’d listen to all of my concerns.
  23. I can’t see how someone as smart as you can be fooled by such crazy beliefs.
  24. You believe in the because it’s easier than questioning and studying.
  25. Religion is the opiate of the masses.