The LDS practice of soaking is real
Exmo lex, first hand account
Exmo Lex admits to soaking in this video:
It’s obvious BS. No one does it and any who say they do it are lying. Let’s stop talking about it.
[pointing to self] I did it. My husband and I soaked. Why do you guys think I know about it. Why do you think I know for certain it happens. Cheers to that embarrassment. Yes, I know soaking is a real thing because I, myself, have done it. The reason people don’t admit to it is because it is embarrassing as f***.
She didn’t know it was “soaking” at the time, but later learned the term associated with it.
An LDS Sex therapist, third hand account
In a podcast I was listening to several years ago I heard an LDS sex therapist refer to clients who had admitted “soaking” to them. Despite trying, I have not been able to locate the podcast, but I am confident in my recollection.
So, until I find the podcast, this is a third hand account.
Anecdote of an LPHS proposition to soak, third hand account
From this post on exmormon:
Last night over dinner with our teenage kids the topic of “soaking” came up. After explaining it to my 14-year-old, and waiting for 5 minutes for him to stop giggling, I made the statement that it’s funny but also most likely urban legend. At that point my 17-year-old interrupted to share an experience one of her “besties” shared with here where she said a few months ago she was propositioned to soak at a high school party of Lone Peak kids. That’s how she even knows what soaking is. So apparently There is some kernel of truth to all the soaking stories.