Resources on 1800s marriage practices
last update: 2023-01-01
- Romantic love and marriage. A study of age homogamy in 19th century Leuven. (abstract | pdf)
- “Women and the age gap between spouses: An accepted domination?” Population. Bozon. 1991. (jstor [login to read])
- “Role of Environmental Factors in the Timing of Puberty” Pediactrics. Euling et al. 2008. (article)
- “The May-December relationship since 1850: Age homogamy in the U.S.” Population Association of America Annual Convention, New Orleans. Rolf and Ferrie. 2008.(pdf)
- “Historical Trends in the Age at Menarche and Menopause.” Psychological Reports. Diers. 2016. (article [paywall])