
  1. wikipedia: The Book of Giants (A Book of Moses connection)
  2. The Return of the Book of Enoch, Part 13 (Hugh Nibley’s 1977 Ensign article)
  3. Could Joseph Smith Have Drawn on Ancient Manuscripts When He Translated the Story of Enoch?: Recent Updates on a Persistent Question (Interpreter)


  1. Revisiting Joseph Smith and the Availability of the Book of Enoch (Colby Townsend’s Dialogue Fall 2020 article)
  2. Returning to the Sources: Integrating Textual Criticism in the Study of Early Mormon Texts and History (Colby Townsend’s Intermountain West Journal of Religious Studies 2019 article with a section on Mahijah, Mahujah, and Mahaway)
  3. Joseph Smith, Mormonism and Enochic Tradition (Salvatore Cirillo Masters thesis, superseded in large part by Townsend’s research)


  1. Textual Criticism and the Book of Moses: A Response to Colby Townsend’s “Returning to the Sources,” Part 1 of 2 (Interpreter 2020)

    Contains a response to Townsend’s argument that the occurrence of Mahijah was the result of misreading Emma’s handwriting of Mahujah.

  2. Where Did the Names Mahaway and Mahujah Come From? A Response to Colby Townsend’s “Returning to the Sources,” Part 2 of 2 (Interpreter 2020)

    Pushes back against Townsend’s argument that Mahaway from the Qumran Book of Giants scroll is not a good linguistic match for Mahijah/Mahujah from the book of Moses.

  3. Could Joseph Smith Have Drawn on Ancient Manuscripts When He Translated the Story of Enoch?: Recent Updates on a Persistent Question (Interpreter 2020)

    Argues against Joseph Smith’s reliance on 1 Enoch and other ancient pseudepigrapha.