Truth-claim summaries and apologetics
last update: 2024-06-20

Very short
- Five Key Facts (~ 1 page)
- Just One Page
- 50 Problems with the Mormon Church (10 minutes) | 50 more problems (~37 minutes, more moral issues)
More significant
- LDS Discussions (in-depth discussion of the gospel topics essays, “Saints:The Standard of Truth”, and many key truth-claims; also on youtube)
- Letter For My Wife (almost all LDS approved sources) (Fairmormon response)
- What I Wish I had Known (almost all LDS-faithful sources)
- Letter From a Doubter (well-sourced narrative style explanation)
- Mormon Primer (multiple perspectives: mainstream, critical, apologetic, and progressive)
- Modern Day Pharisees (argues the modern Church deviates from what Jesus taught in the NT)
- Top Ten Evidences that Mormonism is Not True (YT, ~50 minutes)
- Examining Mormon Truth Claims (essays hosted at Mormon Stories by Mike Brown)
- Mormon Think (vast resource on LDS truth-claims)
- Shelf Breakers (almost all LDS approved sources)
- The Mormon Challenge (almost all LDS approved sources)
- A Letter to an Apostle (35 essays on the truth-claims)
- A Compilation of the Evidence Against the LDS Church
- Literally: Wrestling with historical curiosities in Mormonism
- The CES Letter (the most famous compilation, by Jeremy Runnells)
- Mormonism with the Murph (believing member podcast that examines both sides)
- Questions to Ask
- The Mormon Paradox: A List of Inconsistencies That Challenge Faith (Bill Reel crowd-sourced from here)
- Brother Jake Videos (more light-hearted but summaries)
Additional resources and discussion can be found at the exmormon bookshelf, mormon, mormonscholar, and exmormon subreddits.
LDS Scholarly and Apologetic Resources
- Gospel Topics Essays (
- Gospel Topics, Essays, and Other Resources (archive) (
Semi affiliated
- Evidence Central
- A non-member response to some Evidence central posts (toybom - one year of the BoM)
- Neal A. Maxwell Institute (BYU affiliated institute for religious scholarship)
- FairMormon (The most significant LDS apologetic resource)
Not affiliated
- Mormonr (frank discussion of difficult questions; lots links to primary data)
- Mormonism with the Murph (YT videos w/ both critics and apologists; respectful, fair, balanced)
- Jeff Lindsay’s LDS FAQ: Mormon Answers
- lds subreddit
- latterdaysaints subreddit
Responses to the CES Letter
The CES Letter is the most well-known compilation of problems with LDS truth-claims. Below are responses to the CES Letter. I’ve included links to responses, and Jeremy also keeps a running list of all his responses.
With counter-responses
- FairMormon Analysis of CES Letter
- A Faithful Reply to the CES Letter from a Former CES Employee (Jim Bennett, original as Stallion Cornell)
- Runnells’ response
- A pointed response to Jim Bennett (by bwv549)
- CES Reply: A Pointed Response to a Pointed Response (by Jim Bennett)
- dice1899’s CES Letter Rebuttal (Sarah Allen)
- Runnells’ response
- ImTheMarmotKing responses
- bwv549 responses
- Eye of the Beholder, Law of the Harvest: Observations on the Inevitable Consequences of the Different Investigative Approaches of Jeremy Runnells and Jeff Lindsay (Kevin Christensen)
- Johnny Stephenson’s response
- Image is Everything: Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain (a counter-response by Kevin Christensen)
- DoubleThink: The Mopologist Paradigm (a response to “Image is Everything” by Johnny Stephenson)
- Image is Everything: Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain (a counter-response by Kevin Christensen)
- Johnny Stephenson’s response
- Some Reflections On That Letter To a CES Director (Daniel Peterson)
- Jeremy Runnells and the Book of Abraham (Brian Hauglid at Rational Faiths)
- “Anti-mormon spreading misinformation” by happiness-seekers blog
Without responses by Runnells
- The CES Letter: A Closer Look (page by page analysis, videos, and written responses)
- Conflict of Justice #CES Letter Fail
- Bamboozled by the “CES Letter” (Michael Ash)
- Evidence and Criticism of LDS Truth Claims, Theology, and Practice (video series by Brett M. McDonald)