
Very short

More significant


Additional resources and discussion can be found at the exmormon bookshelf, mormon, mormonscholar, and exmormon subreddits.

LDS Scholarly and Apologetic Resources


Semi affiliated

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Responses to the CES Letter

The CES Letter is the most well-known compilation of problems with LDS truth-claims. Below are responses to the CES Letter. I’ve included links to responses, and Jeremy also keeps a running list of all his responses.

With counter-responses

  1. FairMormon Analysis of CES Letter
  2. A Faithful Reply to the CES Letter from a Former CES Employee (Jim Bennett, original as Stallion Cornell)
  3. dice1899’s CES Letter Rebuttal (Sarah Allen)
  4. Eye of the Beholder, Law of the Harvest: Observations on the Inevitable Consequences of the Different Investigative Approaches of Jeremy Runnells and Jeff Lindsay (Kevin Christensen)
  5. Some Reflections On That Letter To a CES Director (Daniel Peterson)
  6. Jeremy Runnells and the Book of Abraham (Brian Hauglid at Rational Faiths)
  7. “Anti-mormon spreading misinformation” by happiness-seekers blog

Without responses by Runnells

See also

Resources related to the helps and harms of the LDS Church