Resources related to science claims
last update: 2024-12-16
Adam, Eve and Creation related
- The 6000 year problem
- Questions to Ask: Adam and Eve (also touches on the flood)
- Adam and Eve the first couple
- Bruce R. McConkie taught ‘No Death Before the Fall’
- George McCready Price inspired the ‘No death before the Fall’ teachings of Joseph Fielding Smith
- Carbon-14 dating is generally reliable
- Earth’s fossils did not come from chunks of other planets
- The Missouri Garden of Eden Problem
- The April 1910 Priesthood Quorums’ Table entry ‘Origin of Man’ is likely misconstrued to be a First Presidency Statement [This topic seems really esoteric, but almost all arguments justifying the non-official condemnation of evolution in the LDS framework fallback to a mischaracterization of the 1910 statement as an adequate modifier of the 1909 official statement on the origin of man]
- Exchange regarding evidence for evolution of humans
- Exchange on man as animal and the 1910 Priesthood Quorum’s table comment as a reflection of Joseph F. Smith’s thinking on evolution
- Response to LDS Truth Claims video #34
The Flood
- The Flood as the Earth’s Baptism: origin in LDS thought
- Ether 13:2 implies a worldwide flood
- Discussion on a global flood at 2348 BCE
- Excerpt: Does Mitochondrial Haplogroup X Indicate Ancient Trans-Atlantic Migration to the Americas? A Critical Re-Evaluation
- Joseph Smith’s cure for cholera
- Examples of bad science spread by Mormons
- Health studies on tea
- Healings: Comparing James and Albert Talmage’s stories
- Science is as substantive as religion in helping us to derive morality’s ought
- Believing in God based on miracles
Acknowledgements: Fuzzy Thoughts encouraged me to compile this list and alerted me to a resource I had missed.