A collection of resources, research, and thoughts on the truth-claims, teachings, and culture of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
For your initial consideration
To peek behind the curtain: the decision to critically investigate LDS truth-claims
General Resources
- The 1832 First Vision account was suppressed between 11 and ~30 years
- Five Key Facts
- Book of Mormon parallels to 1800s thought
- Questions to Ask
- Moroni quotes sections of Mark that are of dubious origin
- Resources on faith, spiritual witnesses, and epistemology
- LDS Retentive Socialization
- Testimony, spiritual experiences, and truth: A careful examination
- The 6000 year problem
- The three-fold nature of the LDS Church: corporate, totalistic, and individual-growth
- Truth-claim summaries and apologetics
Faith Transitions
- Never love your wives one hair's breadth further than they adorn the Gospel
- Are members breaking promises when they leave the LDS Church?
- Brief Sketch of Events Surrounding My Resignation
- Careful the Compassionate and the Dragon over the Mountain
- Faith transition coming out letter to family
- Consequences of leaving the group tend to be proportional to the level of totalism
- Former members discuss their anger
- Spencer W. Kimball on the effects of Excommunication
- No-fail responses to critical comments
- Former members treated differently than members at BYU
- How those who leave the LDS Church are viewed
- Discussion and Conclusions: How those who leave the LDS Church are viewed
- Attitude towards those who do not believe but stay
- Example Letter from Grandma: 'so much you could accomplish for good'
- “No apostate who ever left ... prospered as an influence in his community thereafter”
- Report, chronicles, and presentation on LDS faith crises
- Stories of Acceptance
- Stories of Traumatic Faith Transitions
- The Shunning Key: Whom Latter-day Saints shun and why
- What NOT to say to your LDS believing family members
- Why former members are angry
- Why do people leave the LDS Church?
- Response to Jim Bennett's response about the angel with a drawn sword
- Assessing the accuracy of Martha Brotherton's affidavit
- Critique of Richard and Pamela Price analysis of Martha Brotherton
- Martha Brotherton and the Five Ironies
- Excerpt: Sexuality in Joseph Smith's Plural Marriages
- Contemporary evidence that Joseph Smith practiced polygamy
- Definitions of terms related to LDS Leaders' Polygamy Denials
- Links to Hales's footnoted denials
- Evidence suggesting Emma approved of some marriages
- Sealing for eternity only
- Evidence of sex within Joseph Smith's polygamy
- How did Joseph Smith's wives refer to their unions?
- Joseph Smith's polygamy and current LDS principles of marriage and honesty
- Arguing that Joseph Smith did practice polygamy
- Joseph Smith instructed others to destroy communication
- Joseph Smith's Polygamy Denials
- Those who knew about plural marriage but not sealed
- Notes on Nancy Marinda Johnson Hyde marriage to Joseph Smith
- The October 5, 1843 Journal Entry
- Saints Volume 1: The Partridge Sisters' second sealing to Joseph Smith
- The primary focus of the sealing ceremony in its first 2 years was to enable polygamy
- Scriptural instructions for practicing polygamy
- Polygamy for raising up seed?
- Resources on 1800s marriage practices
- A Critique of Joseph Smith's Polygamy: 'Thou Shalt not Lie' and Denials of Polygamy
- Response to Brian Hales about Bays and the 1835 statement on marriage
- Logic behind the sealing ceremony
- The extent to which Joseph Smith's polygamy was taught in LDS Institute Manuals
- What to call the polygamy denials?
- Why did Joseph not sire children with his plural wives?
- William Holmes Walker not sealed by JS to Olive Hovey Farr
- Men whose wives were married by Joseph Smith after being sent on a mission
- Zina Huntington Jacobs Smith Young interview in the Saints' Herald
Polygamy historical resources
- 1835 Doctrine and Covenants 101:4
- 1837. Messenger and Advocate, vol. 3, no. 8
- The Prophet's Answers to Sundry Questions
- Conference Minutes from April 6, 1842
- Millenial Star denial, August 1842
- Time and Seasons Sept 1842 Notice
- On Marriage - 1842 Times and Seasons vol 3, no 23
- Letter to editor from 'H. R.' - Times and Seasons, 15 March 1843
- 1844 Millenial Star polygamy denial
- Time and Seasons February 1, 1844 Notice
- Time and Seasons March 15, 1844
- Address of the Prophet: His Testimony Against the Dissenters at Nauvoo.
- Time and Seasons November 15, 1844 - An Old Man of Israel
- Time and Seasons May 1, 1845 'Mormonism Unveiled'
- Millenial Star - Who is the Liar?
- Three Nights' Public Discussion: John Taylor
- Helen Mar Kimball Whitney 1881 Autobiography
- Affidavits against Bennett's letters: focus on Martha Brotherton
- Lucy Walker 1888 autobiography in Reminiscences of Latter-day Saints
- Martha Brotherton Affidavit
- Brigham Young sealed Martha Brotherton to himself with proxy
- Did Helen Mar Kimball misunderstand the promises Joseph Smith made to her?
- Helen Mar Kimball Whitney 1882 Woman's Exponent
- Joseph Smith's Marriage/Sealing Dates
- Book of Abraham analogy: Thomas Edison biography from a TV manual in Korean analogy
- Joseph Smith January 4, 1833 letter to Noah Saxton formatted according to parallelistic patterns analysis
- Confidence faith vs. religious faith: personal reflections on faith, hope, and love analysis
- The Book of Mormon, the twelve points of Pelagianism, and Protestant thought in the early 1800s analysis
- Light and Truth Response pt 3: Linguistic Evidence analysis
- Comparison of the Narrative of Zosimus with the Bible analysis
- George McCready Price inspired the 'No death before the Fall' teachings of Joseph Fielding Smith analysis
- To peek behind the curtain: the decision to critically investigate LDS truth-claims analysis
- Light and Truth Response pt 2: The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon analysis
- Light and Truth Response pt 1: Manipulation and Fallacies analysis
- Hermetically Sealed Systems in LDS Thought analysis
- The logic of our family interview policy analysis
- Problems with Christianity from a former LDS perspective analysis
- Could Joseph have hidden material in his hat to draw upon during the dictation process? analysis
- Could Joseph Smith have used the Bible during the dictation process? analysis
- The case for Joseph Smith as sexual predator analysis analysis
- Example of invasive interview: facebook stalking anecdotal
- Example of masturbation shame anecdotal
- Pressure against expression of beliefs counter to LDS position - Wally's Mom anecdotal
- Spiritual confirmations received since leaving the LDS Church anecdotal
- Excerpt on Isaiah from Hardy's Reader's Guide book-excerpt
- Beit-Hallahmi on mystical experiences book-exerpt
- Beit-Hallahmi on the religious engagement paradox book-exerpt
- Beit-Hallahmi on the lessons of history argument book-exerpt
- Beit-Hallahmi on religious biases book-exerpt
- Beit-Hallahmi on religiously inspired altruism book-exerpt
- Beit-Hallahmi on developing a moral compass book-exerpt
- Quotations suggesting The Book of Abraham was a literal translation attempt compilation
- Individuals in the past 100 years who claim to have seen Jesus Christ compilation
- Second coming expectations in the early LDS Church compilation
- LDS Church discourages make-up compilation
- Similarities between Dartmouth professor John Smith's writings and the Book of Mormon (astronatusaurus posts 1-10) compilation
- Recent LDS Scholar observations favoring a modern origin for the Book of Mormon compilation
- Exchange on man as animal and the 1910 Priesthood Quorum's table comment as a reflection of Joseph F. Smith's thinking on evolution discussion
- Discussion on a global flood at 2348 BCE discussion
- Exchange regarding evidence for evolution of humans discussion
- Kara Cooney on Muhlestein email-communication-transcript
- email transcript: “Noah's flood: the case for a faithful LDS interpretation as a local flood” email-transcript
- Jane Manning James Patriarchal Blessing indicates she has 'a mark' and 'lineage of Cainaan the Son of Ham' excerpt
- Excerpt from Letter to the Church in Caldwell County regarding the Three Witnesses excerpt
- Excerpt from 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Harari: The Secular Ideal excerpt
- Excerpt from 'A Social History of the Nation's Favourite Drink' excerpt
- Letter from Stephen Blanchard to Ethan Smith excerpt
- LDS scholar Greg Prince on the Book of Mormon excerpt
- Royal Skousen: Protestant concerns in the Book of Mormon excerpt
- 1846 Millenial Star Excerpt: Sketches of Notorious Characters, Martin Harris excerpt
- Royal Skousen: Is the Book of Mormon English translation a literal translation of what was on the plates? excerpt
- Kyle S. McKay letter excerpt on spiritual experiences excerpt
- Alex Douglas “Afterword: The Old Testament and the Book of Mormon” excerpt
- Mahijah/Mahujah or Mahujah/Mahujah? excerpt
- Solomon Spaulding 'Manuscript Found' box excerpt excerpt
- Hugh Nibley discovers his daughter left the Church excerpt
- Excerpt from 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Harari: On Religion excerpt
- Human Nature in its Fourfold State compared with Moroni 10:32--33 excerpts
- Excerpts from “Means of Preserving Health and Preventing Diseases” and the Word of Wisdom excerpts
- Scholar Survey: King James Version translation errors in Book of Mormon Isaiah passages expert-survey
- Early Mormonism and the Magic Worldview, D. Michael Quinn, footnote 108 on chiasmus footnote
- Avoidance: the preferred conflict resolution behavior of Latter-day Saints infographic
- Links to First Vision accounts, essay, and responses links
- Resources related to the helps and harms of the LDS Church links
- Similar First Vision accounts links
- Sarah Allen's (dice1899) response to the CES Letter links
- Resources related to science claims links
- Resources on the Book of Enoch links
- Resources related to David Ostler's book “Bridges: Ministering to Those Who Question” links
- Resources on the Book of Abraham links
- Why modesty rhetoric may be harmful links
- Other pre-1830 sources reminiscent of the Book of Mormon links
- Primary resources on the Priesthood/Temple Ban list-of-resources
- You should have known vs. be wary of critical sources meme
- Savannah's testimony notes
- Asking: What is the complete list of books held in the the vault? notes
- 2017 Seminary end-of-year survey notes
- Mennonite apology for treatment of LGBTQ people notes
- Adam “the first man of all men” and “father of all living in his day” notes
- Health studies on alcohol consumption notes
- We are not a wealthy people notes
- Angola as a placename in the Book of Mormon notes
- Apparent contradiction in Joseph Smith's account of considering all sects wrong notes
- Perhaps asking whether the Church is a cult is not the best question? notes
- bwv549 banned from the lds subreddit notes
- Beliefs in Resonance notes
- Academic Bibles and where to read them notes
- Bill Reel and Stake President ask five questions to LDS leadership notes
- Books donated by Joseph Smith to the Nauvoo Library and Literary Institute notes
- The LDS Endowment and Freemasonry notes
- Bruce R. McConkie taught 'No Death Before the Fall' notes
- Statements on building up Jackson county notes
- Bushman on magic and treasure digging from friendly sources notes
- Carbon-14 dating is generally reliable notes
- Chart of Book of Mormon Translation Witness Statements notes
- Columbus was mythologized in a popular 1828 biography notes
- Chronology of my views on evolution and LDS doctrine notes
- August 2020 LDS Church Historian communication on 1949 First Presidency Statement notes
- Adam Clarke's commentary was originally published between 1810 and 1826 notes
- Health studies on coffee notes
- Common religious issues being discussed in an 1824 publication also found in the Book of Mormon notes
- Modern LDS second coming expectations and predictions notes
- Deficiencies in the Sam Brown model notes
- Examples to avoid or discourage consulting unapproved sources notes
- Does Haplogroup T indicate transoceanic contact? notes
- Excerpt: Does Mitochondrial Haplogroup X Indicate Ancient Trans-Atlantic Migration to the Americas? A Critical Re-Evaluation notes
- Early LDS testimony may be unreliable notes
- Ellipsis in tithing statement of the 2013 Lorenzo Snow manual notes
- Ether 13:2 implies a worldwide flood notes
- Familiarity with LDS scholarship notes
- Featherstone's vision of the South notes
- The first part of the Book of Mormon was likely produced in an upstairs room of Peter Whitmer’s home notes
- Earth's fossils did not come from chunks of other planets notes
- Prophecy: Not long until calamities overtake human family notes
- Example of totalistic attitude: accomplishments only important if building kingdom notes
- How could Joseph Smith have created the Golden Plates? notes
- How Latter-day Saints are viewed by former Mormons notes
- Hyrum Smith attended Moor's Indian Charity School notes
- Indicators of my dedication and spiritual development notes
- Infallibility notes
- Influences on the Word of Wisdom notes
- Izapa Stela 5 does not support the Book of Mormon notes
- Jaredite barges and submarines in the early 1800s notes
- JS Papers commentary on Joseph Smith's Translation of the Kinderhook Plates notes
- Joseph was consulting Adam Clarke's Commentary in creation of the JST notes
- Joseph Smith's cure for cholera notes
- Analogy between the LDS and a magic worldview notes
- Factors in LDS leadership selection notes
- Legrand Richards denied the existence of the seerstone notes
- Leonard Arrington documents suppressive attitudes towards LDS history notes
- Most LDS service inwardly focused notes
- Lester Bush's research on the priesthood/temple ban was discouraged notes
- Examples of bad science spread by Mormons notes
- Listen to a recording of your testimony notes
- Who is doing the loan shifting? notes
- Luna Lindsey on polarization of cultic studies notes
- Major sources of beliefs, light and knowledge notes
- McConkie and Ostler argue against the seer stone notes
- Bruce R. McConkie misled in public about the teaching of the Adam God theory notes
- McConkie: no secret doctrines, no private practices notes
- Notes on LDS mixed-faith marriages notes
- Key principles to building bridges of understanding notes
- Mixed messages on working outside the home notes
- Why don't Mormons have paid clergy page removed notes
- The Book of Mormon as Mound Builder Mythology notes
- Five Key Facts: my conclusions notes
- My Family's Dedication to the Gospel notes
- The New Testament in the Book of Mormon: Excerpts from Laura Hales's interview of BYU Religion Professor Nick Frederick notes
- Palmyra was rich in books notes
- Book of Mormon parallels with Solomon Spalding's Oberlin Manuscript notes
- Pinegar deals with unhappy missionary notes
- Example of totalistic attitude: The worst sin notes
- Current prohibitionist attitude of LDS Church notes
- 5 Questions about spiritual experiences and real intent notes
- Paul Reeve: New justifications for the Black Priesthood/Temple ban notes
- Resources related to non gender-binary notes
- Notes on mild drinks always being okay for early Word of Wisdom notes
- Responses to Joseph Smith relying on Clarke for JST notes
- Richard Bushman on 19th century phrasing and theology in the Book of Mormon notes
- Eyewitnesses claiming the seer stone was used to translate the Book of Mormon notes
- Sexual violence more prominent in patriarchal cultures notes
- The LDS practice of soaking is real notes
- The Spirit of Discernment notes
- Jonathon Streeter's racism apology Mormon Newsroom hoax notes
- Subtle discrimination as harmful as overt notes
- “Important to take the sacrament with the right hand” notes
- Health studies on tea notes
- Test for disembodied consciousness notes
- Simple 14 word test for prophetic ability notes
- Thank you R. Gary notes
- The All Powerful Partition Algorithm notes
- Brian Hauglid argues against missing papyri theory: 'They were working off of the papryri that we actually have in the Church today' notes
- The Missouri Garden of Eden Problem notes
- “The Principles of Nature” Challenge notes
- The 6 Sources of Revelation notes
- Healings: Comparing James and Albert Talmage's stories notes
- Musings on Same Sex Marriage notes
- Irene Bates patriarchal blessing theme table notes
- Types of Latter-day Saint Spiritual Experiences notes
- Unpaid clergy anecdotes notes
- Vetting (potentially) divine visitors notes
- What I've taught my older children about LDS truth claims notes
- An objective investigation notes
- The BOM is true because it was written so quickly - VS - The Quran is true because it took so long to write notes
- The Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto notes
- Why does it matter? notes
- Zenos and the Allegory of the Olive Tree notes
- What would it take for you to believe in God again? personal
- Motivation to resign from the LDS Church personal-history
- Letter to parents: Thoughts on the Word of Wisdom personal-letter
- Lamport on homeophathic automobile repair shops quotation
- Influence and inheritance are difficult to establish with certainty for ideas quotation
- Faith, the conversation stopper quotation
- Stephen Smoot acknowledges King James Version errors in the Book of Mormon quotation
- Legrand Richards in 'Your Fringe Benefits' compares secular research on the Americas to the history learned from the Book of Mormon quotation
- William Davis on Early Modern English in the Book of Mormon quotation
- Royal Skousen: cultural milieu dates to late 1600s quotation
- The demand for certainty quotation
- Saints is not for scholars or sophisticated Mormons quotation
- Bill Davis: Evidence of Oral Revision during the Dictation of the Book of Mormon quotations
- Asking experts about Miller et al. 2022 report
- NHM (Nahom) as evidence for the ancientness of the Book of Mormon resources
- Resources on the Family Proclamation resources-on-family-proclamation
- Response to evidence in support of the Book of Mormon response
- Response to claim that all originate with Brodie, pt 1 response
- Response to a brother's list of why church is true response
- Response to claim that all originate with Brodie, pt 2, assumptions response
- Response to Joseph Smith Foundation video “Part 2: Debunking Rough Stone Rolling's treasure digging sources” response
- Response to LDS Living article on Evidence supporting the Book of Mormon response
- Finding Truth: Response to '8 Anti-Mormon Tactics That Satan Uses To Attack The Latter-day Saints' response
- Short response to LDS Truth Claims video #34 response
- Response to Greg Trimble's 11 questions response
- Response to Top 10 Book of Mormon Evidences response
- Faith of a naturalist: response to “Faith of a Science Teacher” questions response
- Response to Five Compelling Archeological Evidences For the Book of Mormon response
- Response to Stephen Smoot's believing women article response
- Response to Russell M. Nelson's October 2022 General Conference Talk “Overcome the World and Find Rest” response
- Response to representations of former members in the April 2020 General Conference response
- Response to Tad Callister’s talk “The Book of Mormon: Man-Made or God-Given?” response
- The Flood as the Earth's Baptism: origin in LDS thought short-analysis
- Nelson attributes goodness in Paradise to those believing in God, but most are not religious short-analysis
- A secular prophecy for our time short-analysis
- Analysis of Olishem as evidence for the antiquity of the Book of Abraham short-analysis
- Effecting change from within the LDS Church -- is it really possible? short-analysis
- On the efficacy of paying tithing short-analysis
- On the existence of ghosts short-analysis
- Open thy mouth, and it shall be filled short-analysis
- Believing in God based on miracles short-analysis
- The parts of an LDS spiritual experience short-analysis
- Transparency in the modern LDS Church short-analysis
- Potential sources for the Allegory of the Olive Tree short-analysis
- The premortal existence in pre-1830's thought short-analysis
- How likely was trito-Isaiah to have been avoided at random in the Book of Mormon translation? short-analysis
- Problems with the expansionist model short-analysis
- Reasons to discount aspects of Emma's testimony of the creation of the Book of Mormon short-analysis
- Science is as substantive as religion in helping us to derive morality's ought short-analysis
- Religious interest and capability suggested by Joseph Smith's 1832 statement and 1830 Colseville letters short-analysis
- Conclusion: God and the LDS Church as surrogate parent short-analysis
- How transparent was LDS Church with living allowances short-analysis
- Errors represented across both 1611 and 1769 KJV short-analysis
- Summarizing the best arguments against chiasmus as evidence of ancientness short-analysis
- Origins of the phrase: "All truth may be circumscribed into one great whole" short-analysis
- Unparallels and the hypergeometric distribution short-analysis
- The Pearl of Great Price provided justification for the priesthood ban short-analysis
- Similarities between King Benjamin's speech and the early 1800s milieu short-analysis
- Why be skeptical of reports of LDS Apostles seeing Jesus? short-analysis
- You can leave the Church but you can't leave it alone short-analysis
- Suicide and hell: an old sectarian notion? short-analysis
- Surprise as a rubric for deciding communication from the Holy Ghost short-analysis
- When did Adam and Eve live? short-analysis
- James E. Talmage's 1916 prediction on records of the Lost Tribes of Israel short-analysis
- When was 'repair' removed from Alma 39:13? short-analysis
- Evaluating Zemnarihah's execution--is chopping down of the tree evidence favoring an ancient Book of Mormon? short-analysis
- The divine visitor identity problem short-analysis
- The 50/50 Scenario short-analysis
- Why we have confidence in science short-analysis
- The LDS Church ban on oral sex short-analysis
- How does the LDS Church divide families? short-analysis
- How could Joseph Smith have composed the Book of Mormon? short-analysis
- The Church does not apologize short-analysis
- The context of Emma Smith's Book of Mormon witness short-analysis
- Joseph F. Smith reverses position on Elijah Able's Priesthood ordination short-analysis
- The Dominant Narrative and Apologetic Fallback short-analysis
- A short critique of pre-Columbian horses as evidence for the authenticity of the Book of Mormon short-analysis
- Was Joseph Smith intellectually and educationally capable of authoring the Book of Mormon? short-analysis
- Did Holland Lie? Semantic analysis of Jeffrey R. Holland's discussion with John Sweeney about Mitt Romney's Temple Oaths short-analysis
- Laurence's 1821 Book of Enoch may have been available in the US short-analysis
- The efficacy of LDS Priesthood Blessings short-analysis
- “‘God made them that way’—It is blasphemy”: LDS Statements on the causes and cure for homosexuality short-analysis
- The Fault in Faulty Assumptions short-analysis
- Elder Bednar and the April 6th Birthday of Jesus short-analysis
- The Proclamation on the Family: Scripture or Revelation? short-analysis
- The April 1910 Priesthood Quorums' Table entry 'Origin of Man' is likely misconstrued to be a First Presidency Statement short-analysis
- The significance of the seer stone for LDS truth-claims short-analysis
- A short critique of discovered metal tablets as evidence for the authenticity of the Book of Mormon short-analysis
- Any Opposed took the minimal action necessary short-analysis
- Why is sex linked to morality? short-analysis
- Morality is an emergent principle short-analysis
- Morality Transcends Religious Belief short-analysis
- The world's view of happiness short-analysis
- Reasons for skepticism of second coming predictions short-analysis
- Chronology: “You can leave but you can't leave it alone” short-compilation
- Archaeology of Cumorah short-compilation
- Subordination of women to men in the LDS Church short-compilation
- Place names near or somewhat near Joseph Smith short-compilation
- Behavior or teachings of David Bednar that some former members find objectionable short-compilation
- Alcohol usage among Latter-day Saint Prophets short-compilation
- Charles Anthon's Proper Names and the Book of Mormon short-compilation
- Pre-1830 teachings of felix culpa (fortunate fall) short-compilation
- A Prophet doesn't poll to see wind of public opinion short-compilation
- "A Different Way of Knowing": The uses of irrationality ... and its limitations short-essay
- Models for the creation of the Book of Mormon short-summary
- BYU-I dresses cheerleaders modestly shower-thought
- Rationale for the Word of Wisdom shower-thought
- Comparing scriptural and modern prophets shower-thought
- Wicca and confirmation bias shower-thought
- Why won't God stop Mike Norton? shower-thought
- LDS Church wrong on moral issues of the day shower-thought
- The Apologetic Slide shower-thought
- Difference between faith and knowledge shower-thought
- Most members don't seem to care about Church issues shower-thought
- Statements related to Book of Mormon geography simple-list
- Outline of my beliefs simple-outline
- Summary of my beliefs relative to core LDS doctrine simple-outline
- Highlights from recently leaked documents (2017) summary
- 2019 Divine Visitation Survey survey
- Comparison of the Book of Mormon and 1769 King James Bible table
- The Book of Mormon translation process in summary table
- Matt Harris on LDS transparency transcript
- Proposed survey on divine manifestations transcript
- Abial Fisher, Jr., 1816 sermon: “The Existence of God.” transcript
- Elder Bednar: “you don't have to recognize that you are receiving revelation in the moment that you are receiving revelation” transcript
- Dan McClellan on the documentary hypothesis and Book of Mormon historicity transcript
- 1838 Danite Manifesto transcript
- President Nelson on “the principle of revelation”: “write the thoughts that come to your mind... record your feelings” transcript
- The translation of [the plates] ... is correct transcript
- The Second Colesville Letter: Transcript and Biblical allusions transcript
- Dan McClellan on better understanding the Book of Mormon by studying the 19th century literature transcript
- The First Colesville Letter: Transcript and Biblical allusions transcript
- Stephen Clarke's notes on Hyrum Smith at Moor's Charity School transcript
- 1825 Anti-theist rhetoric: “A Second Call to Unbelievers” transcript
- Brigham discusses honesty in women during Q12 meeting transcript
- Lucy Harris's Testimony transcript
- Transcript: Narrative of Zosimus transcript
- Joseph Smith Sr. jailed with Eli Bruce, apparent murderer of William Morgan transcript
- FairMormon Response: Has the Church tried to hide Joseph's use of a seer stone? transcript
- Brent Metcalfe: Joseph and Oliver were consulting the Book of Mormon manuscript transcription
- Last Testimony of Sister Emma transcription
- Laundry List of Issues Regarding Moroni's Promise transcription-of-analysis